Monday, July 25, 2005

Hi everybody! We are back from Cheer Camp.The pic right here is Erica and KaLeigh, 2 of our senior cheerleaders, Coach Kelly Brown, and the girls' moms, Vivian and Nancy. They are so involved in this program at CHS. Cheer camp was a blast!

<\/> GO Bantams!!!
We took too many awards to list, the girls had a blast and my JV squad did outstanding!!!! I could go on and on about them, The Varsity Cheer Squad had
2 All-Stars, Stacie and Erica. Congrats to all the girls and the parents, you all should be proud.
Love, Coach Shara Lee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shara they are awesome! Every last single one of them! You are an awesome photographer and a kick butt coach! I love you tons! Jennifer